Finally! A powerful electric outboard that will plane your boat!
The Stealth Switch is our most affordable outboard.
Pricing starts at $7,499 for up to 50 peak horsepower and 35 continuous horsepower! The Stealth Switch is powerful enough to plane boats with an average package weight of up to 1,500 pounds. The Stealth Switch is available in tiller or remote control, long shaft or short shaft. The Stealth Switch does what no other electric outboard does by giving you a choice in battery voltage from 48V to 144V with the same outboard. At 144V, the Stealth Switch is nicely suited for boats with a maximum horsepower rating of 50 horsepower.
The Stealth 115HP is our most powerful outboard. Pricing starts at $13,699 for up to 115 peak horsepower and 70 continuous horsepower! The Stealth 115HP is powerful enough to plane boats with an average package weight of up to 3,550 pounds. The Stealth Switch is available in remote control, long shaft, with power tilt. The Stealth 115HP is well suited for boats with a maximum horsepower rating of 90 horsepower.